
How to Increase Case Damages, Grow Your Practice and Transform From David to Goliath Overnight

How to Increase Case Damages, Grow Your Practice and Transform From David to Goliath Overnight

Free Webinar

Graphic includes Speakers Ilya Lerma, Esq. and Brett K. Findler, Esq.
Free Webinar
Featuring: Ilya Lerma, Esq. and Brett K. Findler, Esq.
Thursday, January 25, 2024 3:00pm-4:00pm EST

John F. Romano, Esq., Nancy Romano and our Connectionology® Team are excited to welcome you back for a great webinar about “How to Increase Case Damages, Grow Your Practice and Transform From David to Goliath Overnight”

This webinar features Brett K. Findler, Esq. – President of Priority Responsible Funding, LLC in Boca Raton, FL and our wonderful moderator, Ilya E. Lerma, Esq. with Ilya Law and Trial Structure.

By combining 35 years experience as a trial lawyer and knowledge in the Non-Recourse Litigation, Medical, Case Acquisition, Mass Tort and Law Firm Growth Funding Space, Brett is in a unique position to teach trial lawyers how to accomplish the above without having to go into debt, mortgage their home, or place their financial future at risk!

Thanks to our wonderful partners at OnPoint Legal Nurse Consulting and Fox Animated Engineering!


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