John Romano, Esq. Nancy Romano and our Connectionology® Team welcomes you back for our first webinar of 2025!! We are kicking the new year off with a great discussion too.
Register today for “Juror Decision Making in 2025: The Good, The Bad and The Alternatives“ featuring Top National Trial Consultant, Amy E. Pardieck with Perceptual Litigation, LLC in Bloomington, IN and our wonderful moderator, Dustin Herman, Esq. with Spangenberg Shibley & Liber LLP in Cleveland, OH on Tuesday, January 7, 2025 from 3:00pm-4:30pm EST – Eastern Standard Time.
Amy E. Pardieck is a leading authority on verbal and nonverbal communication in the courtroom. She is a popular speaker, writer and trial consultant whose clients include a nationwide selection of trial attorneys. She has consulted on a variety of cases involving complex commercial litigation including professional negligence, contract disputes, environmental litigation, insurance coverage, and premises liability; personal injury including negligence, products liability, medical malpractice, toxic tort cases; and civil rights litigation. Amy has worked on cases against Ford Motor Company, Dow Chemical Company, Bridgestone Firestone Inc., Werner Enterprises Inc., Texas Eastern Pipeline Company, PacificCare Life and Health Insurance Company, Interstate Brands, Kansas City Power & Light, and Rush Trucking, to name a few.
Amy specializes in a customized and focused approach to trial consulting. With over twenty years of experience with jurors, focus group jurors, mock jurors and post-verdict juror interviews, she has the unique ability to combine hands-on knowledge with case challenges to build compelling legal stories. She tailors trial consulting services to meet case specific goals and challenges within defined time frames, budget limitations and skill sets.
Her technical specialties include legal consulting and communication training through: focus group and mock trial research, story development and delivery, opening statement/closing argument assistance, voir dire and jury selection strategies, as well as witness evaluation and preparation. Each is driven by case themes, frames, story lines and characters, sequencing, case specific vocabulary and visual support.
Prior to trial consulting, Amy treated patients in the mental health field as a certified systemic psychotherapist. Experience in the courtroom shows that jurors are more concerned with relationships and credibility than legalities. Amy puts her therapy background with individuals, families and groups to effective use in helping attorneys develop parts of their case that really matter to today’s legal decision makers.
Amy holds a B.A. in Psychology from Indiana University and advanced degrees in Systemic Psychotherapy from the Systemische Initiative Salzburg and the University of Vienna in Austria. Amy is a certified trainer in NeuroLinguistic Programming and has additional training in Other-Than-Conscious Communication and No Fault Psychology.
Plaintiff Attorneys, Criminal Defense Attorneys and their Paralegals may all register for free and receive a confirmation with the log in instructions. No Defense firms are permitted.
To view some of our past webinars, please go to our Connectionology YouTube channel and subscribe to hear all of the latest news. You can also follow us on Facebook, Instagram and LinkedIn.
Thanks to our wonderful partners at HMR, Fox-AE and OnPoint Legal Nurse Consulting!
HMR will be giving away 2 bags of delicious Costa Rica Tarrazu coffee and a coffee mug to one attendee. Good luck to all!